Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Happy 7 Weeks!

It's a happy 7 weeks for a couple reasons:

1) Very happy & healthy report from the doctor- The ultrasound showed our little tadpole is developing nicely and just like he/she should be. Heartbeat was 134 BPM and baby Nix had grown a tremendous amount from last week!
2) Relief- Finally my nausea has been eased by wonderful medicine, which it isn't fun to have to take but it's much better than being sick all day long!

Here is a picture of our little one growing leaps & bounds every day:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

6 Weeks: Hello Morning Sickness!

Baby Belly Picture at 6 weeks

I guess I can't squeak by the first trimester without my lovely friend morning sickness. Oh how I had forgotten how not welcoming morning sickness is but I quickly remembered the horrible first 12 weeks I experienced with Addison when M/S showed his ugly head yesterday.

I am incredibly nauseous & hungry, but whenever I eat the nausea gets worse so it is pretty much a lose/lose situation. I sure do hope that baby decides to settle down my stomach a little and make the next 6 weeks easier on me!

The wonderful thing about morning sickness? It means the baby is growing normally and that all is well. So every time I feel sick I try to remember it's just the baby reminding me how well it's settling in to it's 9 month home.

Here is the six week old tadpole, with a heartbeat of 109 BPM:

Monday, September 12, 2011

5 Weeks: Boy or Girl? Gender Test Results

So I've always wondered if all the "gender prediction" tests work but never tested them myself. However, with you tadpole we are in full-on scientific test mode. I'm going to try different ones each week and see how accurate each of them are.

First, let's put on record what each of the "team Nix" think baby tadpole is:

Daddy: Girl
Addison: Girl
Mom: Boy

Chinese Gender Prediction for conceiving in the month of August for my age: Boy

This week's myth I am going to try is the wedding ring on a string test. This one says that when you dangle the wedding ring over your tunny or palm, if it swings back and forth it is a girl. If it swings in a circle it is a boy. Now this one is kind of tricky, you have to make sure your hand holding the string is not moving as to alter the results. Here is what the string test said...


That ring trick is pretty amazing but we will see how accurate it is in about 11 weeks!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Over the Moon

That's the only fitting name for the baby blog of our 3rd family member because, quite simply, that is what we are! Over the moon excited that our baby tadpole is growing healthily inside of my tummy. The most excited of all of us has to be Big Sister Addison, because every moment she gets she is tickling, talking to, or rubbing my belly where the newest member has nestled into it's home for the next 9 months.

It's so fun to hear Addi talk to the new baby, in her big sister tone, explaining that she "knows Mommy's belly is small but be sure to kick Mom because that will be funny". Thanks Ad. To be quite honest, I hope the new baby takes her advice because I am on the edge of my seat to feel the rumbling of a healthy baby from inside me again. Since this will be our last child, I am planning to savor every moment of this pregnancy even if it means glowing at the morning sickness & caffiene headaches it is bringing.

This Friday, 5 days from now, will be our next ultrasound where hopefully we will see tadpole & possibly even a heartbeat! Can't it be Friday tomorrow?